- Make sure to register first and create an account before placing an order.
- Click “NEW ARRIVALS” on the top main menu of our homepage to find our latest products or you can also click “SHOP BY CATEGORY” and choose the category such as : “SKIRT”, “TOPS” or any other product you are searching for. When you find the item you like, click on the photo. You will directly send to the page that will display more information about that product.
- After you decide which product you want to purchase, click “ADD TO CART”. If you want to go back to see other products, click “CONTINUE SHOPPING”.
- Click “VIEW CART” to review your shopping cart. You also can delete the items that you don’t want.
- Place your order and click “CHECKOUT”. We will send your order details shortly via email.
- The Pay and Transfer method will be informed to you once you click “CHECKOUT”. Please transfer your payment within 48 hours, later than that your order will be automatically cancelled.
- After you are done with the payment, please immediately go to “Confirm Payment” page and fill the information. We will also send you the “Confirm Payment” details via email.
- After we receive your order and payment, we will send your package the next day using JNE Service.